Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Roses are special

Today like everyday my oldest son came into my room to wake us up. We all pile in the bed and have a little family time every morning. I guess you could say it is just something we always do to start our day off. After we enjoy spending some time together we like to go check out and see what roses have bloomed so we can cut them. Cole is amazed every day at the beautiful roses. When my first son was born my husband decided that every mother's day he would buy me a rose bush. Well I have feel in love with collecting them. I now have 26 roses bushes. So needless to say we have a lot of flowers.

My husband asked me the other day if I would ever get sick of having so many flowers. I said are you crazy I get so excited to see and smell these beautiful creations. They are all so different and beautiful. I just love it. The picture is what we cut in 2 days. Cole and I have made it a fun thing to give our roses away to people that we know. I know how much it brightens my day so I know how it will brighten theirs.

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